Festival to promote kids’ psychic powers

Ashland Daily Tidings

The children that inspired “Indigo,” the feature length film slated for production in Ashland, will be coming from around the world to share their gifts and messages of peace at the second annual Psychic Children Speak to the World Festival.

The major conference is designed so that children and their parents can learn more about the Indigo phenomenon and to experience the potential powers of their own brains through a two-day Brain Respiration workshop.

“Brain Respiration is the first scientifically proven method that has been proven to train children between the ages of 7 and 14 to exhibit extrasensory powers they haven’t exhibited before,” said Jason Lim, translator and chief of staff for Dr. Ilche Lee – founder and director of the Korean Institute of Brain Science and creator of Brain Respiration.

Sponsored by spiritual peace author and Indigo co-writer James Twyman and Beloved Community in conjunction with Dr. Lee, the weekend event aims to share the gifts of the Indigo children – who display a number of different talents including telepathy and psychokinesis among other abilities – with the surrounding community and help develop the psychic and Heightened Sensory Perception (HSP) abilities within participants.

According to Eul-Soon Lee, managing director of the Korean Institute of Brain Science, the talents Indigo children display can be cultivated through Brain Respiration.

“Extra sensory perception ability seems to come easiest and first for the children. Through development of that ability, other abilities are possible,” Eul-Soon Lee said through translator Joori Jun. “In the beginning, people didn’t know very much about it and it was regarded as a mythical thing but it has become a more natural phenomenon that people are accepting.”

The Gillespie Neuroscience Research Facility of Irvine, Calif., – one of the top five neuroscience universities in the U.S. – has begun conducting research on Brain Respiration along with the Korean Institute of Brain Science.

Brain Respiration trains the brain using physical coordination for the body, energy movement exercises for the brain and awareness expanding exercises for the spiritual body. The goal is to elevate awareness on a number of levels. Approximately 80 children will be able to participate in the workshop.

According to Twyman, the conference will introduce attendees to Brain Respiration, the Indigo children and their messages of peace.

“They have messages they want to share with humanity,” Twyman said. “They have profound insight they want to share and this conference is an avenue to do that.”

Twyman became aware of children possessing unusual talents through his travels to countries in conflict in the mid 1990s. In 2000, he met a 10-year-old Bulgarian boy in San Francisco who told him of the Indigo phenomenon. He later wrote about the phenomenon and is in the process of producing the film Indigo.

Twyman met Dr. Lee when he was visiting Ashland earlier this year. He has since attended Brain Respiration conferences in Korea and Sedona and hosted the first U.S. world festival for psychic children in Hawaii. For the first time in America, Indigo children and Brain Respiration experts will gather in Ashland to share their insight.

Roughly 500 people from around the world will be coming, according to event coordinators. However, some Indigo children, like 18-year-old Patrick Gahr, live right here in the Rogue Valley.

“For most of my life I’ve had these special abilities but it wasn’t until March (2002) that a psychic told me I was telepathic, I have healing powers and I’m clairvoyant,” Gahr said. “I see myself as an Indigo child because I have an awareness of other people. I can put myself in their shoes and see how their life is going.”

Gahr, who will be a speaker at the conference, said he feels Indigo children have a message to share with the world.

“That’s why there are all these psychic children in the world today. They’re here to bring about peace,” he said.

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