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James Fox on The Joe Rogan Experience to Talk About His UFO Documentary, ‘Moment of Contact’

The cat’s out of the bag: James Fox is soon to be on The Joe Rogan Experience in the week starting April 24th, to talk about his 2022 UFO documentary, Moment of Contact. On April 20th, Joe Rogan finally announced who would be next on his roster of interesting interviewees, and sure enough, it’s the alien documentarian himself.

Fox seemed more than ecstatic, replying to the announcement in a tweet that read, “Well everybody, the news is out from the man himself. Can’t wait to join @joerogan next week to discuss the most shocking UFO Cover-Up Since Roswell! Get ready.” Fans are more than thrilled, as they’ve been waiting for this ever since his last big documentary, 2020’s The Phenomenon. That movie is considered the gold standard for UFO investigation films, as it does everything a documentary should and much more.

If you’re of a more conspiratorial mindset, it’s time to pull out the tinfoil hats for this talk. James Fox has had a long storied history with his interest in the extraterrestrial, and is well-known for other works such as The Phenomenon, Pretty Slick, and I Know What I Saw, all of which are documentaries. He excels in gathering all sorts of information around certain events, often with a conspiratorial tone to it, and always nails his execution. Moment of Contact is no different. Even if you’re more of the skeptical mindset when it comes to the wild world of alien conspiracies and government cover ups, it’s a well-made documentary, and I highly suggest you check it out for yourself when you get the chance.


An Overview of Moment of Contact

This is a 1 hour and 48 minute documentary, and it doesn’t let a single detail slip, crossing every T and dotting every I. We’re talking aliens, government cover-ups, and long-held pieces to a grand puzzle that Fox brings flawlessly in an easily digestible film.

The IMDB description reads as follows: “A number of locals, including a group of girls ranging in age from 14-21, had a close encounter with a being described as about 4 feet tall, with brown oily skin, a large head and huge red eyes.”

The city of Varginha, Brazil, is also known as “Brazil’s Roswell”, which is more than apt, as it has a mystery that rivals the infamous American event itself. Fox has a fantastic talent for finding fascinating stories like this without going for easy, mainstream incidents such as the aforementioned Roswell and the Aurora sighting in Texas in 1897. To gather all these testimonies to build a comprehensible story takes dedication and passion for both the craft of filmmaking and the story and digging up the truth. He doesn’t embellish anything because he doesn’t have to, simply letting the testimonies speak for themselves.

This documentary has led to quite a bit of online debate, discussions, and more investigations from internet sleuths. Because it’s a movie that is based mostly off of anecdotal evidence (not that anecdotal evidence doesn’t have merit, especially on this scale), there are no large concrete answers. If you wanted actual proof of aliens, you would need the craft itself, or the actual alien that was sighted. As cool and mind-blowing as that would be, no such thing occurs. Instead, the documentary gives you the information and allows you to come to your own conclusion. The only big fact that is pushed is that, aliens or not, something happened in Varginha, Brazil, in 1996. Many agree that it provides some of the best evidence for UFO existence since Roswell, hence the nickname.

Aerial footage and digital recreations are used in stunning effect to get everything across, mapping out in a way for the audience to easily understand and digest. Fox is indeed a journalist at heart, and a storyteller in his art.

As of now, Moment of Contact has a 7.4/10 IMDB rating and has been fairly well-received. If you haven’t seen it, I once again implore you to take a look, as no doubt many of the things James Fox and Joe Rogan will be talking about pertains to that film. Despite this, I’m sure context will still be provided nonetheless. You can find Moment of Contact streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, and other big name platforms. It’s also free to watch on Crackle and Plex.


Fox to Appear on The Joe Rogan Experience

Some of the funniest, strangest, and most thought-provoking conversations ever immortalized on the internet involve Joe Rogan. The man has interviewed countless celebrities, including people like Elon Musk, Mike Tyson, and Dave Chapelle. He’s a legend among podcast hosts, and he isn’t afraid to pop on the tinfoil hat when the moment calls for it, and Fox is coming prepared with plenty of material that will take up the 1-3+ hours the show runs.

Only recently did Fox put out this tweet: “These two forensic pathologists worked on the deceased military officer who allegedly handled the being. Dr. Armando Fortunato Filho on the left and Dr. João Baptista macuco Janinini. They are providing statements we can discuss on @joerogan podcast next week. Thank Marco Leal!” Along with it were pictures of said forensic pathologists. This means that not only will they discuss events in the documentary, but there will be all new information revealed since the film’s release.

The Joe Rogan Experience will air at 1pm EST / 10am PST. It can be found on a number of streaming sites like Youtube (Clips), Spotify, Audible, or wherever else you listen to your podcasts.

If you enjoy learning about James Fox’s journaling, we also suggest you take a look at his Twitter, @jamescfox, where he often posts updates, new information about the Varginha testimonies, and other related topics. Likewise, if you enjoy Rogan and Fox’s discussion and want to hear more from him and the people he talks to, you can follow him on @joerogan.

I look forward to seeing the conspiratorial Twitter war that will ensue shortly after the episode airs.


Update: The episode aired today, April 26th, here is the reddit link for the episode and the discussion around it:

#1976 – James Fox
byu/chefanubis inJoeRogan