Earn Cash for Property Wildfire Safety Measures

The Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) will pay you $250 for taking incentives to safeguard your property against wildfires.


50 Areas Identified as High-Risk Wildfire Hotspots

To curb the spread of wildfires in the coming weeks, the OSFM has introduced an incentive scheme in which Oregonians can earn $250 for implementing safety measures on their properties.

The incentive scheme began on March 11 for residents in 50 areas identified as high-risk wildfire spots. To check if you are eligible for the incentive payment, visit:

Defensible Space Assessment Incentive Reimbursement Pilot Program Guidelines


Free Defensible Space Assessments

The OSFM urges residents to enhance wildfire protection on their properties. The department is offering free defensible space assessments. Experts will evaluate properties and make tailored suggestions to protect against potential fire hazards.

Eligible Oregonians who live in high wildfire hazard areas and vulnerable communities and who request a free defensible fire assessment will qualify for the $250.

Senate Bill 762 enabled the implementation of the incentive scheme. The OSFM has identified 50 high-risk exposure communities. The incentive bonus is based on the national volunteer wage reimbursement of $31 an hour. Property owners and tenants are eligible to take part in the scheme.


Qualification Criteria

A further prerequisite for qualification is:

  • There must be at least two areas on a property that can be safeguarded against wildfire.
  • Grass, conifer needles, deadwood, and debris must be moved away from around fences and below decks.
  • Cut away dead wood from trees, shrubs, and bushes.
  • Flammable vegetation growing under eaves or rooftops must be removed.
  • Mow grass below the four-inch mark.
  • Lumber and firewood must be at least 30 feet from buildings and structures.
  • Combustible vegetation must be at least 10 feet from propane tanks.

Fine fuels can easily ignite, and the OSFM defensible space coordinator, Alison Green, urges residents to move them away from building structures. She says trees with low-hanging branches must be pruned and all dead wood removed.

Oregon Department of Forestry spokesperson Natalie Weber says that residents who cannot dispose of plant debris can do so on debris burn days. However, residents must contact local fire agencies to obtain debris burn day dates for their areas.




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