Ashland, Oregon Weather
Current Weather Additional Data
Ashland, US
12:28 am, Apr 19, 2024
overcast clouds 46°F
Low: 46° High: 69°
overcast clouds
Humidity Humidity 60 %
Pressure Pressure 1015 mb
Wind 5 mph SE
Wind Gust Wind Gust 6 mph
Precipitation Precipitation 0 inch
Dew Point Dew Point 33°
Clouds Clouds 100%
Rain Chance Rain Chance 0%
Snow Snow 0 mm/h
Visibility Visibility 6 mi
Air Quality Air Quality Good
Moon Phase 37%
Moonrise Moonrise 3:02 pm
Moonset Moonset 3:49 am
Sunrise Sunrise 5:22 am
Sunset Sunset 6:56 pm
Ashland Weather 8 day Forecast
Weather Condition Comport Precipitation
Day Condition TemperatureTemperature PrecipitationAmount Rain ChanceRain Chance Wind HumidityHumidity PressurePressure SnowSnow
Today 12:00 pm
clear sky clear sky
46° | 69°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 35 % 1013 mb 0 mm/h
Tomorrow 12:00 pm
clear sky clear sky
44° | 71°°F 0 inch 0% 10 mph 31 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Apr 21 12:00 pm
overcast clouds overcast clouds
39° | 61°°F 0 inch 0% 7 mph 36 % 1022 mb 0 mm/h
Apr 22 12:00 pm
overcast clouds overcast clouds
41° | 73°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 23 % 1008 mb 0 mm/h
Apr 23 12:00 pm
moderate rain moderate rain
49° | 66°°F 0.04 inch 100% 7 mph 51 % 1007 mb 0 mm/h
Apr 24 12:00 pm
overcast clouds overcast clouds
44° | 61°°F 0 inch 0% 10 mph 53 % 1014 mb 0 mm/h
Apr 25 12:00 pm
rain and snow rain and snow
39° | 44°°F 0.04 inch 100% 4 mph 97 % 1017 mb 2.46 mm/h
Apr 26 12:00 pm
light rain light rain
43° | 49°°F 0.04 inch 100% 6 mph 91 % 1019 mb 0 mm/h
1 to 8 of 0 results
Ashland Weather Hourly Forecast
Weather Condition Comport Precipitation
Day Condition TemperatureTemperature PrecipitationAmount Rain ChanceRain Chance Wind HumidityHumidity PressurePressure SnowSnow
Today 12:00 am
overcast clouds overcast clouds
46° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 2 mph 60 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 1:00 am
overcast clouds overcast clouds
46° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 3 mph 58 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 2:00 am
overcast clouds overcast clouds
47° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 56 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 3:00 am
overcast clouds overcast clouds
47° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 3 mph 54 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 4:00 am
overcast clouds overcast clouds
48° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 3 mph 52 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 5:00 am
broken clouds broken clouds
47° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 52 % 1016 mb 0 mm/h
Today 6:00 am
broken clouds broken clouds
47° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 4 mph 55 % 1016 mb 0 mm/h
Today 7:00 am
broken clouds broken clouds
53° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 3 mph 48 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 8:00 am
broken clouds broken clouds
58° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 1 mph 41 % 1015 mb 0 mm/h
Today 9:00 am
scattered clouds scattered clouds
62° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 1 mph 37 % 1014 mb 0 mm/h
Today 10:00 am
scattered clouds scattered clouds
65° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 2 mph 34 % 1014 mb 0 mm/h
Today 11:00 am
few clouds few clouds
67° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 5 mph 34 % 1013 mb 0 mm/h
Today 12:00 pm
clear sky clear sky
67° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 7 mph 35 % 1013 mb 0 mm/h
Today 1:00 pm
clear sky clear sky
69° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 7 mph 33 % 1013 mb 0 mm/h
Today 2:00 pm
clear sky clear sky
69° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 8 mph 33 % 1013 mb 0 mm/h
Today 3:00 pm
few clouds few clouds
69° | 0°°F 0 inch 0% 7 mph 33 % 1012 mb 0 mm/h
1 to 8 of 0 results

Weather and Climate Updates

Weather Year Round in Ashland Oregon

Before you head down to Ashland, you may want to know more about the climate, or the weather year round.

Ashland is a popular place to visit all year (mainly due to its famous Shakespeare Festival), but its peak popularity comes during the summer. Because of that, you should make sure you’re prepared with hotel reservations and the like, because it’s not only going to be a lot busier, but also a tad more expensive.
Temperatures in the summer are fairly mild: 80s during the day and around the 50s at night. August is usually when the temperature tends to reach its peak in the 90s.

If you’re looking for some cooler temperatures, winter isn’t too far behind. It gets pretty chilly; you’ll be looking at a range of 40s to 30s, so make sure you bring a coat. However, snow is uncommon in Ashland itself and will always melt during the day, so if you’re not a snow person, you’ll be happy to know it’ll just be a bit nippy.

If you’re driving to Ashland on I-5, however, you may have some snow slowing down traffic. If you are seeking some snow, you can go up to Mt. Ashland, where you’ll find a good ski lodge and great snowboard terrain park. It’s small, but it’s great for those looking for a good time in the snow or a fun weekend out with family.
You may be aware of Oregon’s rainy reputation, but in Ashland, it’s actually not that bad. People in Ashland only see less than 20 inches of rain per year, with most of the rain appearing between December and May. Because of this, they’ll see around 8-10 inches of snow a year, with the rest of the precipitation being light showers and occasionally hail. Thunderstorms are most common in the summer, and while they can be pretty dramatic, they’re fairly brief.

If you’re hoping to go to one of Oregon’s famous, sprawling vineyards and wineries, you’re going to have to take your trip outside of the winter. Most tend to close down during January and February, as well as being open only during weekends during the spring and fall. They’re open every day during the summer, luckily enough.

If you’re coming to Ashland for the Shakespeare Festival, then you hardly need to wait. It runs from February to October, so you can come anytime in between to check things out.